Kamp Kick-Off
Join Dalton Risner as we celebrate the beginning of Kamp KyMel! Sunday, July 19th at 6pm. More details coming soon.
Talent Show
Join us for the Talent Show on Thursday, July 23 at 7pm live on Zoom. Details coming soon.
Cabin Chats
Reunite with your friends (and meet new ones!) for an informal Zoom gathering. Times are listed below. Zoom details coming soon. Monday, July 20 SIBS Girls age 4-7 zoom 10:00 am SIBS Girls age 8-11 zoom 11:00 am SIBS Boys age 5-8 zoom 1:00 pm SIBS Boys age 12-13 zoom 2:00 pm HOPE Girls age 5-13 zoom 3:00-4:00 pm HOPE Boys age 5-13 zoom 3:00 HOPE Girls age 13-17 zoom 5:30-6:30 HOPE Boys age 13-17 zoom 5:30
Scavenger Hunt
Join Dalton Risner and friends on an in-home scavenger hunt! Details coming soon!
Join us for a BINGO party on Tuesday, July 21st at 6pm via Zoom. Instruction/ Description For this activity, you will need your BINGO cards, which came in your box. Video instructions will be given at the start of the activity on how to say “BINGO” and game rules. We will be playing 3-5 different BINGO games. A prize will be mailed to game winners following the activity.
Disney Sing-Along and Q&A
Join us on Wednesday, July 22 from 7-8pm for our Disney Sing-Along followed by a Q&A with stars from Disney Broadway shows! Join the Zoom meeting with the link below. Please note, you must be on mute! Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/93747267853?pwd=OE9jZXJoc1l2bTRaeDRYS05ZMzVrdz09 Meeting ID: 937 4726 7853 Password: broadway
Dance and Concert
Join us Friday, July 24th at 7pm for our Kamp KyMel Dance and Concert featuring BEFORE THE DANCE We need your help getting ready for this fun event! Watch the video and click the "instructions" button for additional information. Instructions Create, rehearse and perform a signature dance to one of the songs below from now until Monday, July 20th. Simply click the buttons below to hear the song as performed by the Mikey Needleman Band! Your song choices are: Can't Stop the Feeling -Justin Timberlake Uptown Funk -Mark Ronson Wake Me Up -Avicci 1. Record your chosen song, signature dance (while maybe wearing your camp t-shirt) and then at the end of your video call out a fellow Kamp KyMel camper to create a signature dance of their own. 2. Upload your recorded dance video to our KyMel Google Drive [...]